Photography and Contemporary Art
5th Edition | Il Primo Lustro
Focus on Publishing
Curated by Luca Panaro and Marcello Sparaventi
Special Guests
Andrea Galvani
Paola De Pietri…
[ITALIANO più in basso]
The independent publishing fair FRUIT Self-Publishing Exhibition will start its second edition on March 23, to be concluded on March 26, in the…
Reggio Emilia, dal 7 maggio al 12 giugno 2011
Linea Amarilla-Linea Gialla ritorna a Reggio Emilia per Fotografia Europea
Amarillo Art Gallery ripropone a Reggio Emilia, in occasione del festival Fotografia Europea 2011, il progetto di arte e cultura urbana …
La Giuria ha assegnato i premi ai fotografi vincitori del Lens Based Art Show |
Lens Based Art Show‘s first edition is about to end, and the Jury just awarded the festival’s main prizes. The Lens Based Art Show …