Matilde Soligno, Wrapping Paper. Google Image Search results for “Christmas Tree 1914” on December 8-9, 2013. Christmas 2013, 20×28 cm.
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Ventotene, che alcuni ritengono essere “l’isola delle sirene” di cui Omero narra nell’Odissea, è una delle isole dell’arcipelago pontino; nota ai greci come Pandataria, che significa…
The exhibition Dystopia is the offshoot of a screenplay proposed by the American science-fiction writer and theoretician Mark von Schlegell. …
The Out-of-Sync exhibition broaches the sweeping issue of the place taken up by the dimension of time in the visual arts from a specific angle: it is concerned with works in which several temporalities coexist, overlap, contradict …
concept and recipes . l-i-n-e-a-r-o-s-s-a
photographs and suggestions . Matilde Soligno…
Anti-100 Years of Cinema Manifesto
As you well know it was God who created this Earth and everything on it. And he thought it was all great. All painters and poets and musicians sang and celebrated the creation and that …