A few of my picks for December 2010’s exhibitions.…
Anti-100 Years of Cinema Manifesto
As you well know it was God who created this Earth and everything on it. And he thought it was all great. All painters and poets and musicians sang and celebrated the creation and that …
Ieri è Domani: La Pittura di Alexis Rockman |
I mondi alterati e futuribili di Alexis Rockman si espandono da uno strano punto di intersezione: un centro dove le immagini naïf di un vecchio sussidiario illustrato di biologia si incontrano …
Corpi Sottili: La Fotografia di Kristine Potter |
Kristine Potter’s most impressive body of work, «The Grey Line,» questions the motifs of military portraiture, by bending the boundaries of representation to a grey in-between zone, where the ideas …
L’arte di David Buchan: Modern Fashions |
Reading through an old issue of Kaleidoscope magazine, I found out about the work of David Buchan. His performance works and photo-based images pre-date the current wave of advertising-oriented contemporary art.
Born …
La Giuria ha assegnato i premi ai fotografi vincitori del Lens Based Art Show |
Lens Based Art Show‘s first edition is about to end, and the Jury just awarded the festival’s main prizes. The Lens Based Art Show …
Selected exhibition materials, articles and various publications…