Green Days is a multidisciplinary project by Viviana Checchia and Anna Santomauro / neon>campobase, based on the relationship between urban environment and nature, and on the possibility to «imitate nature» through biomimicry, applied to the visual and performing arts in …
A House Is Not A Home
Design – Gardening – Ecologia – Sostenibilità
11 febbraio – 18 marzo 2012
Inaugurazione Sabato 11 febbraio Ore 18.00
PROGETTI DI: Giovanni Masini, Vênus et Milö, Francesca Davoli e Ivan Gottardi/Impatto zero, LASCIA …
“Let’s Take a Position” è l’installazione di arte pubblica che Enrico Vezzi ha realizzato per Green Days Project, in collaborazione con l’associazione culturale La Pillola, all’interno del Parco Charlie Parker e John Lennon di Bologna. Si tratta della fase …
Zootropio :: Le fotografie della mostra e degli eventi speciali
Below you can find a series of photographs taken during the event and exhibition “Zootropio” by Vênus et Milö that was held near Bologna (Italy) on November 5-6, …
Un week-end in spazi temporanei…
After the event made in January, called “What Can We Learn From Nature?,” and after the workshop organized by AAA Audiovisual Artists Anonymous in Brussels, the Green Days workshop was recently held in Bologna by artist Enrico Vezzi in …